Saturday, June 5, 2010

A day of hiking and exploring near the Savage River

So this day was really awesome, but a little traumatizing for me!! Here's some pictures from the day and then i'll tell the story!!

Jake on the shuttle bus to Savage River, 15 miles inside the national park.

So, if you didnt know it already, Jake is actually a mountain goat(see proof).
Here we were hiking along, trying to get to the top of a nearby ridge and following a footpath up the side of Mount Margaret, When this "path" turns into a goat trail up a cliff.
So what does Jake do? He runs right up it of course because that's what mountain goats do!
No problem.
And then there's me.
Right about now, i'm realizing that i am indeed afraid of heights!!
Each rock i step on falls from under my feet, Princess-Bride-style, to its doom, down a huge ravine!

Here I am, all alone with Jake 30 feet above me and a river and some other tiny looking things WAY down below me. I tell Jake i'm scared, and what does he do? Teasing me, he runs down the other way and takes a picture!
So here I am, mad and afraid!

- So, A little later -

Me enjoying a delicious sammich after a big climb!

Next to a frozen river... still frozen in June!
Jake checking out the scenery!


  1. Haha Thanks for sharing and scaring your poor mom half to death. Be careful....But...Have Fun. Thanks for sharing the adventure.

  2. So I ran into your cute parents the other day and it made me miss your cute butt!!! When you come home we should get together! and I mean it! Alaska looks awesome!! Love your guts!
